Thursday, April 30, 2009

Always with the Music...

So, I think I ask this about once every 3 months or so, but it seems like a good way to keep up on good music. That's a tall order these days with the crap that plays on the radio.

So, I saw Gaslight Anthem a couple of weeks ago in San Francisco. All I can say is that if you haven't listened to them, then get on it. If you haven't seen them, then trust me when I say they put on a hell of a show. They do their songs justice live.

I recently started listening to The Lost Cause by Billy the Kid. The interesting thing about her is that I knew her from fronting the punk band Billy and the Lost Boys. This CD is a whole new direction for her, but the songs and the lyrics are fantastic. Not to mention this one is a whole lot more commercially viable than BatLB, but then again, I like both. I also haven't really progressed beyond high school when it comes to pop punk bands, so that might be saying something.

The trailer for Where the Wild Things Are has a whole lot of Wake Up by Arcade Fire. That's pretty damn cool, but the song is off Funeral instead of Neon Bible.

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