Monday, November 17, 2008

Now is the Time

This week I found out: one of my friends is separated, another one is getting a divorce, my pay is getting cut, some people I like here were laid off, and (apparently) my hair looks ridiculous. Oh, and Josh lives on the edge of Mordor.

So if anyone has any potentially troubling news to report, give it to me now. I can take it.

And if anyone still talks to Scott, tell him to break the news in the first paragraph, not after a review of Friday Night Lights the TV series, a report on his new tandem unicycle, and his take on the new Fall Out Boy.


Zac Crain said...

In better (?) news: I'm starting a Descendents cover band, just because. First show: TBD. Last show: see first show.

Adam said...

On a brighter note, Zac, my Dad read your Jamie Foxx piece and said it was your best work yet. boo ya

Josh said...

Who is having the marriage problems? Anyone I know?

Shannon said...

Descendents cover band - sweet...

wow - you do have a lot going on....i feel like i need to tell you any bad news that MAY the common thread for all the marriages and relationships collapsing - that they are friends with you? be careful everyone!

good luck - sending positive vibes your way!

Zac Crain said...

Yes, I am apparently the common factor. I'm a jinx. So you may want to disavow.

@Adam: awesome!

@Josh: not really

Oh, and the Descendents band is called Coverage.

Adam said...

Coverage is perfect. I'm totally jealous that I don't live there. I'd be in your band in a sec.