Saturday, February 21, 2009

New U2 album?

Anyone heard it yet? It's streaming at a few places online.

Overall thoughts: It's not this much-hyped reinvention they've been promising. Although, it's probably difficult enough to do that once in a career, much less twice. Besides, it's impossible to ever expect another Achtung. No one could live up to that.

The good news: Get On Your Boots is the worst song on the album. I was hoping this would be true. They have pulled this rope-a-dope in the past. Discoteque kind of threw everyone off and was definitely one of the weaker songs on Pop. Who chooses singles for these guys?

The bad news: Bono's lyrics just continue their downward spiral that started back w/ Zooropa. In the past I've been able to overlook a lot of them; for the most part I don't hear the words, I just hear the voice as another instrument. But there are some real steamers on this record. So much that they pull me out of my moment of enjoyment and make me say, "did he really just say that? Dang."

Overall, I like the record. We'll see how it stands up after several listenings. Other than Beautiful Day, ATYCLB really soured with me. I hardly ever go back and listen to that record. And HTDAAB really grew on me. I wasn't so impressed when I first bought it, but it's worked its way into a regular rotation.



Josh said...

Good time to ask as I am doing an all U2 Adv Club this week. I have been listening to nothing but U2 for the last few weeks getting ready. I agree with Adam on the subject of lyrics. While they were never Morrissey/Costello/Bragg level, they werent this bad either. Musically I think there are a few that stick out as very traditional U2ish. I kinda like that most of them don't have the signature Edge sound though.

Adam said...

Rock and Roll stops the traffic. Where the U2 fans at?