Meanwhile, imagine my amusement as I read this entry for The Doors second album, Waiting For the Sun. (Check the red text>

(For the record, the second #1 single for The Doors was "Hello, I Love You").
Really? Had they released "Suck Kunal's Balls Like A donkey On Friday" as a single, I might actually start to like this band. Needless to say, this is a prime example demonstrating the vulnerability of a wiki, especially the extremely popular, and often cited-amongst-students, Wikipedia.
I took the screen-cap immediately because I knew there was no way it would last too long and I needed to have proof. It had been changed less than 3 hours later. However, the editor had changed it to "The Unknown Soldier," again, an incorrect wiki-fact. For a while, I considered just watching this event transpire to see how long it actually took before the information was completely correct again. Well, I made it about 3 more hours before my librarian senses got the best of me and my responsibility to the Internet took over. I logged in and corrected the entry myself.
The one thing I hate more than The Doors is mis-information posing itself as fact on Wikipedia.
Oh Wiki - and so many take Wiki as fact! That blows my mind!
Fucking amazing. What Adam failed to mention is that he is the one who wrote it in the first place just to mess with me.
Josh, the Doors suck and you know it. I wouldn't have to fake an entry on Wikipedia just to prove that point.
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