Meanwhile, imagine my amusement as I read this entry for The Doors second album, Waiting For the Sun. (Check the red text>

(For the record, the second #1 single for The Doors was "Hello, I Love You").
Really? Had they released "Suck Kunal's Balls Like A donkey On Friday" as a single, I might actually start to like this band. Needless to say, this is a prime example demonstrating the vulnerability of a wiki, especially the extremely popular, and often cited-amongst-students, Wikipedia.
I took the screen-cap immediately because I knew there was no way it would last too long and I needed to have proof. It had been changed less than 3 hours later. However, the editor had changed it to "The Unknown Soldier," again, an incorrect wiki-fact. For a while, I considered just watching this event transpire to see how long it actually took before the information was completely correct again. Well, I made it about 3 more hours before my librarian senses got the best of me and my responsibility to the Internet took over. I logged in and corrected the entry myself.
The one thing I hate more than The Doors is mis-information posing itself as fact on Wikipedia.